Read Online and Download Ebook Build Your Own Intelligent Amateur Radio Transceiver By Randy Lee Henderson, Randolph L. Henderson
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Build Your Own Intelligent Amateur Radio Transceiver By Randy Lee Henderson, Randolph L. Henderson
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From the Back Cover
With the help of this sure-fire instruction guide, you can learn how to build a sophisticated, yet low-cost microprocessor-controlled radio transceiver as well as smaller devices such as a simple frequency synthesizer and a spectrum analyzer.
Filled with tested, hands-on projects that really work, this great reference features single-sided circuit boards that are easy to build, and includes detailed circuit-board layouts and extensive parts lists.
"Build Your Own Intelligent Amateur Radio Transceiver" will enable you to:
Interface digital and analog circuitry
Keep digital switching noise out of sensitive analog circuits
Interface a microcontroller to various input/output devices
Perform assembly programming of the Intel 80c31 microcontroller
Anticipate the real-world behavior of RF circuits
Fully grasp circuit-board fabrication
Understand frequency synthesis techniques used in modern radio equipment
It's all here in one unique resource-- everything you need to create a state-of-the-art radio transceiver with top-notch performance!
Build Your Own Intelligent Amateur Radio Transceiver
By Randy Lee Henderson, Randolph L. Henderson PDF
Build Your Own Intelligent Amateur Radio Transceiver
By Randy Lee Henderson, Randolph L. Henderson EPub
Build Your Own Intelligent Amateur Radio Transceiver
By Randy Lee Henderson, Randolph L. Henderson Doc
Build Your Own Intelligent Amateur Radio Transceiver
By Randy Lee Henderson, Randolph L. Henderson iBooks
Build Your Own Intelligent Amateur Radio Transceiver
By Randy Lee Henderson, Randolph L. Henderson rtf
Build Your Own Intelligent Amateur Radio Transceiver
By Randy Lee Henderson, Randolph L. Henderson Mobipocket
Build Your Own Intelligent Amateur Radio Transceiver
By Randy Lee Henderson, Randolph L. Henderson Kindle